Mobile-First Training Solutions for Your Entire Home-Based Care Staff

Whether your organization is a 10-person home care agency or a 10,000-person home health and hospice provider, accessible training for everyone is instrumental to providing great care.

Efficient compliance training — for your staff and for you

Maximize time with patients or clients

Meeting state and federal training requirements is crucial for providing great care — so is maximizing your care teams’ time with patients or clients. That’s why nearly 20% of our Regulatory and Compliance courses are fifteen minutes or less.

Minimize time figuring out training requirements

Our Accreditations team maps state and federal training requirements to Relias courses, giving you a head start with managing your compliance training. And if you’re too busy to maintain your training program on your own, no problem — our Services team is happy to help.

Foundational aide-level training in six languages

Give your aides training they can absorb in the language they best understand.

Our foundational courses for caregivers and home health aides are:

  • Short — all lessons are under ten minutes
  • Simple — with clearly defined terms and helpful images and videos
  • Multilingual — available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Filipino, Russian, and Chinese

Technology to help you manage your training program and keep your staff in the field

A learning management platform perfect for home-based care agencies

The Relias Platform gives you a single place to track course completions, generate compliance reports for surveyors, automate your onboarding and annual training programs, and much more.

An excellent mobile experience for your excellent workforce

The Relias Learner mobile app makes it easy for your staff to catch up on assigned courses whenever they have time, wherever they are. No need to bring them into the office for training!