
Wound Care: It Takes a Team

Wound Care

About This Webinar

Optimizing Wound Care Education and Awareness Across Disciplines

Wound care education remains an essential component of training. However, when viewing your team as a whole, many staff members contribute to wound outcomes.

Throughout this presentation, we will explore different positions and roles that may benefit from wound care education and various teaching methods and their efficacy. These findings will provide a better understanding of the role wound care plays within the organization and the knowledge to refine wound care management, upskill staff, and promote excellent financial stability.

Learning objectives:

  • Explore effective and creative models for wound care education.
  • Review how a comprehensive wound educational program promotes greater financial stability.
  • Identify non-traditional service providers who impact wound healing and outcomes.


Sue Grafton, RN, BSN, CWON

Clinical Support Manager , McKesson Medical-Surgical

Dr. Michele Carr RDN, DPM, NWCC, FAPWCA, COS-C

Clinical Support Manager , McKesson Medical-Surgical

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