
Pain Neuroscience Education: Teaching People About Pain [Outpatient Settings]

Post-Acute Care

About This Webinar

Pain is complex, and new paradigms of pain (e.g., neuromatrix, nerve sensitivity, endocrine, and immune responses to pain and neuroplasticity) have opened various exciting non-pharmacological options in the treatment of pain.

One such approach is altering what patients think and believe about their pain. It is well established that patients often have faulty beliefs regarding pain, which in turn may increase fear, catastrophizing, pain, and disability. The paradox is that patients are interested in pain and especially how pain works. Growing evidence supports that teaching patients more about the neurophysiology and biology of pain allows for decreased pain, increased movement and function, various decreased psychometric measurements, and higher compliance with therapy.

This webinar, designed for providers working in outpatient settings, is based on the latest neuroscience view of pain and aims to help healthcare providers update their knowledge of pain. It will expose healthcare providers to a newly designed pain neuroscience education language used in various research projects and clinical practice with the aim to help patients achieve success. This session is a must for all healthcare providers dealing with people in pain.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Analyze how common faulty cognitions impact pain and disability in people with pain
  • Justify the need to carefully reanalyze the use of biomedical information to educate patients about pain
  • Recognize the evidence supporting pain neuroscience education for people in pain
  • Integrate the latest neuroscience of pain into clinical reasoning in people with persistent pain
  • Verify how neuroscience education uses metaphors, examples, and pictures in an easy-to-understand format for people in pain
  • Explain to a patient how the body’s alarm system—the nervous system—becomes increasingly sensitive, how it impacts function, and how therapy can help
  • Apply concepts, treatments, and examples from the presentation into immediate clinical application


Adriaan Louw PT, Ph.D.

Pain Science Director, Vice President of Faculty Experience, Evidence in Motion

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