
Putting the “D” in DEI: Disability Inclusion in Your DEI Efforts


About This Webinar

Since 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act has protected employees from discrimination based on disability – affecting nearly 1 in 4 Americans with some type of disability. Despite this civil protection, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities remains significantly higher than that of nondisabled individuals. For those with disabilities who are employed, they continue to face significant barriers to gainful employment that ensures a living wage and is free from ableism. In this presentation, Nellie Galindo, MSW, MSPH, discusses ways your organization can better recruit, retain, and accommodate employees with disabilities, as well as dispel common myths about working with a disability.

Learning Objectives:

  1. List common reasons why individuals with disabilities continue to face barriers to employment equity.
  2. Describe methods for ensuring accessibility for different disability types in your organization.
  3. Describe ways your organizational leaders can incorporate disability inclusion in your DEI efforts.


Nellie Galindo MSW, MSPH


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