
Best Practices in DSP Retention

IDD Services

About This Webinar

This webinar is part of the 2022 The Arc-Relias Webinar Series

As challenges to increasing DSP wages carry on, it can be incredibly difficult for providers to determine ways to retain Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) outside of providing pay increases. However, there are myriad strategies that can help create a work culture that supports the well-being of DSPs and encourages better retention. In this webinar, Arlene Bridges and Nellie Galindo of Relias will provide examples of best practices for retaining DSPs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Effective onboarding strategies to encourage retention
  • How to manage DSP burnout and compassion fatigue
  • Strategies for creating a culture of respect within your organization


Nellie Galindo MSW, MSPH


Arlene Bridges

Senior Product Manager for IDD & ABA, Relias

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