
Million Hearts® 2022: The Critical Role Community Health Centers Play in Success

Health and Human Services
Learning Management and Training

About This Webinar

Heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases kill over 800,000 Americans each year, accounting for one in every three deaths. It’s the nation’s number one killer among both men and women and the leading cause of health disparities across the population.

Million Hearts® 2022 was designed to address this issue. Co-led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Million Hearts® 2022 goal is to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes by 2022 by focusing on optimizing care, keeping people healthy, and improving outcomes for priority populations. Community and rural health centers will play a critical role in achieving success.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • The current state of cardiovascular health in the United States
  • The Million Hearts® 2022 framework and what works in preventing heart attacks and strokes
  • How to implement what works in community health settings
  • How Relias can support your efforts


Judy Hannan RN, MPH

Senior Advisor, Million Hearts® Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nellie Galindo MSW, MSPH


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