
Assessments in Healthcare: Put the “Person” in Personal Development

Post-Acute Care
Learning Management and Training
Professional Development

About This Webinar

With the current and upcoming healthcare workforce challenges, a question on top of most employer’s minds is, “How do I get the most out of my human capital investments and keep the talent I have?”.

Watch Justin Hess, a Product Manager of Assessments at Relias, as he talks about best practices for using personnel assessments to drive your human capital investments and generate a sizeable ROI. During this webinar, Justin explores the importance of person-job fit, adapting your onboarding process to where an individual is currently at and needs to be, and crafting personalized development experiences to help emphasize strengths and improve knowledge/skill gaps.

Watch this webinar to learn how to:

  • Discuss today’s healthcare workforce challenges.
  • Target your human capital investments using assessments.
  • Find the right person for the right job.
  • Create more value out of your onboarding process.
  • Personalize ongoing employee development.


Justin Hess Ph.D.

Senior Industrial/Organizational Psychologist, pymetrics

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