What Is Moral Injury?
Moral injury has been described as a “deep soul wound” that occurs when a person feels they must take actions, or witness actions, that violate their deeply held moral beliefs. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed extreme pressure on the nursing workforce and, in many settings, has meant that nurses are confronted daily with morally challenging dilemmas.
The Impact of COVID-19
The coronavirus places immense pressure on nurses as they attempt to uphold their oaths and provide care to patients in dire need without the usual support or resources. Healthcare workers daily must now choose between their professional oaths and risking their own health and that of their families.
Moral Injury: Ramifications of COVID-19
Learn ways in which we can work to prevent moral injuries from occurring or intervene when they do, supporting healing.
Research Brief
Reducing Mental Health’s Stigma in Healthcare
Download this research brief to learn how to reduce the stigma of mental health in healthcare through education, transparency, and advocacy.
Moral Injury Resources
Nurse burnout and moral injury can have severe repercussions on nurses themselves, the patients whom they serve, and even entire hospitals. Explore ways to prevent moral injury on your team.
7 Ways to Address Moral Injury in Nurses
Nurse burnout and moral injury can have severe repercussions on nurses themselves. Learn 7 ways to address moral injury in nurses.
Nurse Self-Care: Learning How to Take Care of Yourself and Your Team
With the right tools, nurse leaders can build a work environment that supports positive health and the effective management of stress. Learn more now.
Moral Injury Articles
Why Healthcare Organizations Need to Focus on Clinician Health
A new survey has shown a clear link between clinician wellness and patient safety. So it’s crucial that healthcare organizations focus on the mental and physical health of staff.
Are Your Nurses Experiencing Moral Injury?
With the term moral injury is increasingly being used to replace nurse burnout. We look at what this means for the crisis at the heart of the healing professions.
Nurse Depression & Suicide Ideation: How Leaders Can Assess and Support Their Teams
As a nurse leader, learning to identify depression and dealing with suicide ideation is an important part of coaching and guiding staff through the difficult situations that arise as part of their jobs.
The Purpose of Meaningful Recognition
While new pandemic-related challenges require complex solutions, incorporating meaningful recognition into an organization’s culture can make an immediate impact on improving a hospital’s or health system’s culture and is perhaps needed now more than ever before.